On the Record: Micro-Credentials Unleashed – Fact or Friction? Speaking Personally with Dr. Don Olcott, Jr., FRSA

Dr. Don Olcott, Jr., FRSA, is President of HJ Associates, specialising in global open and distance learning based in Romania and a Consultant Associate with Universal Learning Systems (ULS) in Barcelona, Spain.  He holds the academic rank of Professor Extraordinarius of Leadership and ODL at the University of South Africa and adjunct instructor with Oldenburg University, …

On the Record: Micro-Credentials Unleashed – Fact or Friction? Speaking Personally with Dr. Don Olcott, Jr., FRSA Read More »

What Role Does The Online University Play In The Equity Of The University System?

By Albert Sánchez-Gelabert and Marina Elias Equality of educational opportunities is essential for youth who are building their future and for a society that aims to evolve without leaving anyone behind. Development has to be sustainable, also at the educational level, so equity in the university system is fundamental to guarantee opportunities for all types …

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Harnessing the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence For Higher Education: A Dialogue with Professor Mike Sharples

By Pau Lobato Ferrando and Desirée Gómez Cardosa As part of its #UOC2TheFuture and Sharing Learning initiatives, the UOC‘s eLearning Innovation Center(eLinC) organised a webinar with Mike Sharples, Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology at The Open University in the UK, to examine the effects of AI in higher education. UOC’s rector Àngels Fitó introduced the session which was moderated by Desirée Gómez Cardosa, from the eLinC’s Educational Trends and Innovation …

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Academic Edition: Urgent Debates. Lecture by Elea Giménez de Toledo (CSIC)

By Elsa Corominas Rodríguez and Carlos Madrid Gari, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya On April 21, the XIII Scientific Publishing Seminar was held at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), an institution that considers that journals contribute to the global strategy of the university and promotes this space to reflect on them, a reflection in which …

Academic Edition: Urgent Debates. Lecture by Elea Giménez de Toledo (CSIC) Read More »

Technology-Supported Institutional Reflexivity: Do Business Schools Study Higher Education As a Field of Practice?

By Lisa Unangst, Empire State University In 2023, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are rife with debate around technology’s uses and abuses. Chat GPT, intentional online vs. emergency online learning, and open access publishing are just some of the topics at hand. Whether and how those same HEIs are using technology as a tool for institutional reflexivity …

Technology-Supported Institutional Reflexivity: Do Business Schools Study Higher Education As a Field of Practice? Read More »

Gender Balance Policy in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

By Carlos Madrid Gari On Wednesday April 26th was held in the Knowledge Building Channel of the European Digital Education Hub a webinar on “Bridging the Digital Gender Gap”. The aim of the event was to discuss gender equality issues; in which ways they are prominent in education, more specifically in digital and online education. …

Gender Balance Policy in the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education Read More »

Micro-Credentials: A Vehicle for Transformation, Experimentation and New Ideas in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning for Employability

By Mitchell Peters (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) In March 2023, the International Micro-Credential Summit was held in Barcelona, Spain, hosted and co-organized by the UOC, Knowledge Innovation Centre, and the DHBW. The event brought together over 250 key stakeholders of the international micro-credential community to discuss new horizons for education and employment in Europe. One of the outcomes of the event was the articulation …

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Agentic and Equitable Educational Development For a Potential Postplagiarism Era

By Maha Bali, American University in Cairo This is a slightly updated and paraphrased version from an earlier version on Maha Bali’s blog: https://blog.mahabali.me/educational-technology-2/are-we-approaching-a-postplagiarism-era/ Many of us in the field of education have been contemplating the potential impact of the latest Artificial Intelligence technologies on the future of education. How we teach, how our students …

Agentic and Equitable Educational Development For a Potential Postplagiarism Era Read More »

The Need To Investigate Complex Trajectories

By Helena Troiano Gomà (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) A Special Issue of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education entitled “In person, hybrid and online higher education: supporting students’ complex trajectories” is currently underway and is aimed at understanding the complex trajectories ofstudents in higher education. In particular, the focus is on the …

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How useful of OER as perceived by students, before and after the pandemic?

By Simon K.S. Cheung, Hong Kong Metropolitan University Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning practices have undergone various degrees of transformation to live with different social distancing requirements so caused. Not only in teaching strategies, instructional and content design, there are also changes in learning styles and habits, such as on the …

How useful of OER as perceived by students, before and after the pandemic? Read More »

The Need For Scientific Journals to Contribute to Gender Equality

By Elsa Corominas (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) “Gender equality” is understood to be the equality of rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys, and there is a “gender gap” when in any area there are systematic inequalities between women and men in terms of their levels of participation, access, rights, …

The Need For Scientific Journals to Contribute to Gender Equality Read More »

Sustainable development as universities’ social responsibility. Ideas for development

By Martha Burkle In current discussions, the idea of promoting a sustainable university has become crucial in the development of policies that regulate students’ learning, the growth of the university itself, and its impact on the community in which it is inserted (Leal, 2019; Verhulst & Lambrechts, 2015; Nicolescu, 2018). UNESCO principles of development for the …

Sustainable development as universities’ social responsibility. Ideas for development Read More »

Call For Papers – EDEN 2023 Annual Conference hosted by National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University, 18-20 June 2023

The 2023 EDEN Conference is designed to explore the theme, “Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures. The event will take place in Dublin City University on 18-20 June, 2023. This theme focuses on the language of opportunity and challenges participants to dream big! While there are many big and small challenges that we can’t …

Call For Papers – EDEN 2023 Annual Conference hosted by National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University, 18-20 June 2023 Read More »

Collaboration and clustering in online learning – some thoughts on Han and Ellis (2021)

By Conchúr Mac Lochlainn The word ‘collaboration’ is everywhere, and on everyone’s mind, as digital educators have grappled with new modalities of learning, during the COVID-19 pivot. Concerns over isolation, and its effects on wellbeing (Filho et al., 2021), have been well-documented, and the importance of collaborative learning as a means of alleviating this isolation …

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When the critical perspective is not enough

By Juliana E. Raffaghelli When our Special Section “Towards a critical perspective on data literacy in higher education. Emerging practices and challenges” was accepted by ETHE in 2019, an advanced debate on the impact of datafication was already in place. Datafication is that particular digital technologies feature we were unaware of, namely, users’ data capture …

When the critical perspective is not enough Read More »

Musings on Blended Learning Research

By Charles Graham, Chuck Dziuban, Norm Vaughan. The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting widespread adoption of blended learning has necessitated a rapid and radical rethinking of the teaching-learning transaction. The pandemic resulted in a forced test of the potential of blended learning. The possibilities and constraints associated with this approach to learning …

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In the Garden of EDEN – Ten Major Themes Emerged During the Very Stimulation EDEN 2023 Annual Conference in Dublin

By Contact North I Contact Nord Team EDEN is the largest and longest-lasting network of those engaged in open, distance, flexible and online learning. Its annual conference, held in Dublin this year, attracts colleagues from Europe and around the world. Rigorously peer-reviewed papers form the backbone of the two-day event, interspersed with challenging and thoughtful …

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