About the Blog

Our mission

The mission of this blog is to disseminate information related to the use of technology in Higher Education (HE), taking into account all the perspectives and thoughts. This blog also aims to be a space of debate and knowledge concerning the challenges and opportunities that related fields might bring to the future of HE. 

Aims and Scope

ETHE’s Blog is intrinsically linked with the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE). Therefore, we have very similar aims and scope, as we share and reflect on the current topics and trends in Higher Education around the world.



Elsa Corominas (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)

Elsa Corominas holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and a post-graduate degree on Sociology and Social Policies, from the same university. She has been working in the field of scientific publishing for many years, and previously she did research and teaching at the UAB. As Managing Editor, she coordinates the editorial management and the communication of the journal International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education  (ETHE).

Academic team

Simon Cheung King-Sing (Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong)

Dr. Cheung is the Director of IT in the Hong Kong Metropolitan University, overseeing the university IT services for teaching, learning, research and administration. He has been working in the higher education sector for over 30 years, mainly in IT and educational technology, while also assuming some academic duties such as course development, teaching and research. He played a pivotal role in implementing ERP systems in the Open University of Hong Kong.

Li Chen Richard (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

Dr. Li Chen Richard is currently a research assistant professor of the Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also serves as the programme chair of the International Conference on Blended Learning and the president of Hong Kong Society for Multimedia and Image Computing (HKSMIC). His research works, especially in using virtual reality for children with special education needs.

Linda Castañeda (University of Murcia, Spain)

Dr. Castañeda holds a Bachellor Degree in Education by the University of Murcia (UM), a postgraduate degree of Higher Specialized Studies in Educational Technology by the University of Balearic Islands (UIB) and a PhD in Educational Technology by the UIB. 

She is an Associate Professor in Educational Technology at the Department of Pedagogy and School Organization at the UM. Her current research portfolio includes critical perspectives on educational technology, competencies for the digital era, strategical approaches to teachers’ professional development, socio-material perspectives of emergent pedagogies, and Personal Learning Environments.

Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli (University of Padua, Italy)

Dr. Raffaghelli is an Assistant Professor in Research Methods in Education at the University of Padua. Since 2003 she has been an educational technologist, researcher, and coordinator of international and European projects at the University of Florence, the University of Trento, the Institute for Educational Technologies (National Research Council) and the University of Venice. From her position as principal investigator Ramón y Cajal (Ministry of Research and Innovation of Spain, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), in the period 2018-2022 she has explored how the educational professions deal with datafication and the post-digital overall, developing critical data literacies. 

Technical team

Conchúr Mac Lochlainn (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Conchúr Mac Lochlainn is a course designer and doctoral student at Dublin City University’s Fiontar agus Scoil na Gaeilge. His professional interests include learning design and learner experiences, in particular the psychology of language learning. His forthcoming PhD monograph is an exploration of the motivations and self-concept of adult Irish language learners, focusing on self-discrepancy.

Carlos Madrid (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)

Carlos Madrid is a Research Assistant at the Open University of Catalonia. He is currently involved in many projects in the field of e-Learning and distance education. Member of the EDEN Digital Learning Europe Secretariat. He is graduated in Humanities and also has a master’s degree in Comparative Studies in Arts, Literature and Philosophy .

Aleix Rodríguez Gracia (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)

Graduated in Humanities at the Pompeu Fabra University, he is currently working at Open University of Catalonia as a trainee student for the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE). He is studying a Master in Film Theory at the Pompeu Fabra University.

Advisory Board

Josep M. Duart (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)

Álvaro Galvis (University of Los Andes, Colombia)

Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl (Dublin City University, Ireland)

Airina Volungevičienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)